Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Video 22 of 111
5 min 10 sec
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Understanding Blogs

Introduction to Blogs

Blogs are an excellent way to get information from companies, organisations, clubs, schools, and individuals who have their own personal blogs. A blog typically contains posts, pictures, videos, and various other content related to hobbies or businesses, making it a valuable source of information. Blogs are also searchable on Google.

Exploring a Blog

Let's have a look at a blog to see how you can extract information from it. This example is from our company website, which includes a blog section. To access the blog, simply navigate to the top menu and click on the "Blog" icon. This will display the blog posts available.

Navigating the Blog

On the blog page, you will see a main picture and a title such as "Burns Kit - What's Inside a Burns Kit." Clicking on either the picture or the title will take you directly to the post. Each post preview includes the title, a brief description, the author's name, and the date it was posted.

Checking the Date

It's important to check the date of the blog posts, especially if you are looking for regulatory information. Outdated posts might not have the most current information, so always verify the date before relying on the content.

Searching Within the Blog

If you are looking for specific information within the blog, you can use the "Command" or "Control F" function to search for keywords like "First Aid." This will highlight all instances of the keyword on the page, allowing you to quickly find relevant posts.

Engaging with Blog Content

Once you find a relevant post, such as "Mike's Course on Stewart First Aid," clicking the title will take you to the full post. Posts may include videos, pictures, diagrams, and detailed text. For videos, you can use the control icons to adjust settings like playback speed and subtitles.

Interacting with the Post

At the bottom of each post, you might find related stories and additional resources. Engaging with the blog by leaving comments or questions is a great way to join the community and get more information. Comments are often moderated, so they might take some time to appear.

Sharing and Printing

If you find a post particularly useful, you can share it on social media using the buttons provided (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). There is also an email option to send the post to someone directly. Additionally, if you want a hard copy, use the print button to print the post in a formatted layout without wasting paper.

Exploring More Blog Posts

You can navigate to the next post using the arrow buttons. Each post follows a similar format, making it easy to find and consume information. For example, you might find a post on "Serious Bleeding," which includes more text and links to other relevant videos and resources.