Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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How to check the file size on a windows computer

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Checking File Sizes on a Windows Computer


Understanding file sizes is essential for managing your computer's storage and for sharing files via email or other methods. This guide will show you how to check the file size on a Windows computer using File Explorer.

Using File Explorer to Check File Sizes

Opening File Explorer

First, open File Explorer. You can do this by clicking the folder icon on the taskbar or pressing Windows + E on your keyboard. Navigate to the folder where your files are stored. For this example, we will look at the Downloads folder.

Hovering Over Files

A quick way to check a file's size is to hover your mouse pointer over the file. A tooltip will appear, displaying the file type, size, and other details. For example, hovering over an MP4 file might show:

  • File Type: MP4
  • Size: 116 MB
  • Length: Duration of the video

Viewing File Details

Another way to see file sizes is by looking at the details pane on the right side of File Explorer. When you select a file, the pane shows additional information, such as:

  • File Type: PDF
  • Size: 1.02 MB
  • Date Modified: 25th January

Right-Click Method

You can also find file size information by right-clicking on the file and selecting Properties. This will open a new window with detailed information, including:

  • File Type
  • Opens With: Default program for opening the file
  • Location: Exact file path on your computer
  • Size: Total file size
  • Size on Disk: Amount of space the file uses on your hard drive
  • Created Date
  • Modified Date
  • Last Accessed Date


Checking file sizes on a Windows computer is straightforward using File Explorer. Whether hovering over files, viewing the details pane, or using the properties menu, you can quickly find the information you need to manage your files effectively. Knowing file sizes helps in organising your files and ensuring you can send them via email without issues.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 1 LO 3.4