Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Mobile devices

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2 min 31 sec
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Introduction to Mobile Devices


In addition to computers, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are essential tools for accessing and managing information. This guide will provide a brief overview of the different types of mobile devices and their operating systems.

Types of Mobile Devices

There are various brands of mobile devices, each with different operating systems. The two primary types are:

  • Apple-based systems: Includes devices such as the iPad, iPad Pro, and iPhone.
  • Android-based systems: Various brands utilise the Android operating system.

Features of Mobile Devices


Smartphones, like the Apple iPhone, offer multiple features and varying memory capacities. They provide access to all your data with excellent security features like Face ID. You can synchronise data across your phone, tablets, and Apple computers. Additionally, they function as traditional telephones.


Tablets, such as the iPad, offer versatility with add-ons like keyboards. This allows you to type information more conveniently than using the on-screen keyboard. You can also interact directly with the screen. Keeping your tablet up-to-date and secure with features like Face ID or a strong password is crucial.

Security Features

Both Apple and Android devices offer robust security features:

  • Face ID: Utilises facial recognition for secure access.
  • Fingerprint ID: Uses your fingerprint to unlock the device.
  • Passwords: Ensure you set a strong, memorable password.
  • Number Sequences: Some Android devices use touchpad number sequences for security.

Integration with Computers

Mobile devices integrate seamlessly with computers, allowing easy sharing of information:

  • Share pictures and documents effortlessly between your mobile device and computer.
  • Access and manage emails on both devices, with updates synchronised across all platforms.
  • Reply to emails on your mobile device, with changes reflected on your computer.


Mobile devices are valuable tools that enhance your ability to manage information and stay connected. By integrating your smartphone or tablet with your computer, you can access and share data efficiently, ensuring you stay productive and informed.