Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Windows Filing System

Video 36 of 111
4 min 4 sec
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Organising Files and Folders in Windows


We will now explore how Windows stores files and how you can create and manage folders. This guide will show you how to use File Explorer effectively to keep your files organised.

Accessing File Explorer

To open File Explorer, you can either:

  • Press the Windows key and the E button simultaneously.
  • Click the File Explorer icon from the taskbar.

Creating New Folders

To create a new folder:

  1. Click the "New Folder" button at the top of File Explorer.
  2. Rename the folder by typing the new name and pressing Enter. For example, you can name it "Folder A".

Moving Files to Folders

To move files into a folder:

  1. Select the files you want to move. You can select multiple files by holding down the Shift key for a block selection or the Ctrl key for individual selections.
  2. Drag the selected files into the desired folder. For instance, drag "Test One" into "Folder A".

Creating Sub-Folders

You can create sub-folders within folders to further organise your files:

  1. Open the main folder where you want to create sub-folders (e.g., "Folder A").
  2. Click "New Folder" and name the sub-folders as needed (e.g., "A", "B", "C").
  3. Move files into these sub-folders as required.

Organising Personal Files

Organise your personal files by creating relevant folders:

  • Create folders for different categories, such as "Banking" or "House".
  • Within these folders, create sub-folders for more specific categories, such as "Electricians" or "Receipts".

Moving Folders

To move a folder to a different location:

  1. Select the folder you want to move (e.g., "Folder A").
  2. Drag and drop the folder into the desired location, such as "Documents" or the desktop.

Copying Folders

To copy a folder:

  1. Right-click the folder you want to copy and select "Copy".
  2. Navigate to the destination folder, right-click, and select "Paste".
  3. The copied folder will now appear in the new location with all its contents.

Changing Folder View

You can change the way your files and folders are displayed:

  • To view files as icons, click the icon view button in the bottom right-hand corner of File Explorer.
  • To revert to the list view, click the list view button in the same location.


Using File Explorer in Windows, you can easily create, organise, and manage your files and folders. By keeping your files well-organised, you can ensure that your important documents are easy to find and access.