Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Connecting to the internet

Video 15 of 111
3 min 0 sec
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Connecting Your Computer to the Internet


One of the first tasks when setting up a new computer, whether it’s a laptop or a desktop, is connecting it to the internet. There are two primary methods to achieve this: using a wired connection or connecting via Wi-Fi.

Wired Connection

A wired connection involves connecting your computer directly to the router using an Ethernet cable. This method ensures a stable and often faster internet connection. Simply insert one end of the cable into your computer’s Ethernet port and the other end into the router. Once connected, your computer should automatically connect to the internet.

Connecting via Wi-Fi

Alternatively, you can connect to the internet wirelessly using Wi-Fi. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this, using an Apple computer as an example. The process is similar for Windows computers.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Locate the Wi-Fi icon on your computer. On an Apple computer, this icon is at the top of the screen and resembles a Wi-Fi signal.
  2. Click on the Wi-Fi icon to display a list of available networks. If you do not see any networks, ensure that the Wi-Fi is turned on by toggling the button on the right.
  3. Select your desired network from the list. For this example, we will select “ProTrainings guest Wi-Fi”.
  4. A window will appear prompting you to enter the network password. This password may be provided by your location’s administrator, or if you are at home, it might be printed on the back of your router or included in the setup documentation.
  5. Enter the password carefully. You can check the “Show password” box to ensure it is entered correctly.
  6. Ensure the “Remember this network” box is checked to avoid re-entering the password in the future.
  7. Click “Join” to connect to the network.

Confirming Connection

Once connected, the Wi-Fi icon will change from a pale colour to a brighter colour, indicating an active connection. Clicking on the icon will show your preferred network, confirming that you are securely connected to the internet. You can now open a browser and access any webpage.


Connecting your computer to the internet is a straightforward process whether you are using a wired connection or Wi-Fi. Following these steps will ensure you are online and ready to browse in no time.