Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Downloading and installing a program

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Downloading and Installing Programs from the Internet


Sometimes, you may need to download a program onto your computer from the internet. In this guide, we will look at how to download and install another web browser, such as Firefox, onto your computer. This example uses a Mac, but the process is similar for Windows machines.

Step-by-Step Guide

Searching for the Program

First, open your current web browser. In this example, we are using Safari on a Mac. In the search bar at the top, type “Firefox download” and press Enter. You will see a list of web pages with download options. Select the official download page for Firefox, usually found at the top of the search results.

Downloading the Program

Click on the download link on the Firefox website. You will see a prompt asking if you want to allow downloads from this site. Click “Allow”. You will notice a small icon moving across your screen, indicating that the program is downloading to your computer’s Downloads folder.

Checking the Download Progress

To check the progress of your download, go to the Finder and locate the Downloads folder. You will see the Firefox download progress indicated by a bar. Wait until the download is complete.

Installing the Program

Once the download is complete, click on the downloaded file. A window will open, verifying and checking the file. For Mac users, you will see the Firefox logo and an Applications folder icon. Drag the Firefox logo to the Applications folder to install it. A progress bar will show the installation status, and you will hear a notification sound once it is complete.

Launching the Program

After installation, open the Launchpad from the dock and locate the Firefox icon. Click on it to open Firefox. You might see a security prompt asking if you are sure you want to open this application. Click “Open” to confirm. Firefox will then launch, and you can start using it to browse the internet.

Cleaning Up

After installation, you can clean up your Downloads folder by deleting the installation file. Right-click on the file and select “Move to Bin”.


Downloading and installing programs from the internet can be straightforward if you follow the steps carefully. Always ensure that you are downloading from a safe and reputable source to avoid potential security risks. Now you can enjoy using Firefox or any other downloaded application on your computer.