Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Windows system settings

Video 35 of 111
4 min 26 sec
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Windows System Settings Overview


We will now provide an overview of the Windows system settings. This guide will help you understand where to adjust various settings and how to navigate the settings menu.

Accessing System Settings

To access system settings, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Windows start button at the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. Select the cog icon to open the Settings menu.

Display Settings

In the Settings menu, the first option is Display. You can adjust the following:

  • Scale and Layout: These settings usually have "recommended" next to them. It is advisable to leave them as they are unless you have a specific reason to change them.
  • Multiple Displays: If you have more than one monitor, you can detect and configure them here. You can decide which monitor is on the left or right, ensuring smooth cursor movement between screens.

Sound Settings

Sound settings allow you to manage your computer's audio output and input:

  • Master Volume: Adjust the overall volume of your computer.
  • Input Devices: Manage microphone settings and other audio input options.


Manage how your computer notifies you about various activities:

  • Show Notifications on the Lock Screen: Allow notifications to appear even when your computer is locked.
  • Notification Preferences: Adjust how and when notifications appear.

Power and Sleep Settings

These settings help save energy and manage your screen activity:

  • Screen Timeout: Set the duration before your screen turns off when inactive.
  • Sleep Mode: Adjust the time before your computer goes to sleep.

These settings are particularly important for laptops to conserve battery life.

Storage Settings

Manage your computer’s storage and see what is taking up space:

  • Storage Overview: View how much space is available and what types of files are using it.
  • Manage Storage: Free up space by deleting unnecessary files or moving them to external storage or the cloud.

Clipboard Settings

Adjust how your clipboard functions:

  • Clipboard History: Enable to save multiple items on the clipboard for future use.
  • Sync Across Devices: Sync clipboard content between your devices.
  • Clear Clipboard Data: Remove all clipboard content with one click.

Advanced Settings

There are many advanced settings available that you might not need to adjust regularly. However, if you do, be sure to:

  • Make a note of the original settings before changing anything.
  • Ensure you understand the changes you are making to avoid any issues.


Understanding and navigating the Windows system settings can help you customise and optimise your computer's performance. Always be cautious when changing settings and make sure you know how to revert any changes if needed.