Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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What is the cloud?

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What is Cloud Storage?

Introduction to Cloud Storage

You may have heard the term "cloud" in relation to computers, but what exactly is it? The cloud refers to an internet-based system for storing files and accessing information. There are numerous cloud storage providers, including Dropbox, Google Docs, and Apple’s file systems.

Types of Cloud Storage Providers

Many cloud storage services offer a certain amount of free storage, with options to purchase additional space as needed. For instance, Dropbox offers free accounts, but you can also upgrade to a paid account with up to one or two terabytes of data storage. Similarly, other providers offer scalable storage solutions based on your requirements.

Benefits of Using Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is not only useful for storing files but also for backing up photos and other data from your mobile devices. For example, if you take photos on your mobile phone, they can automatically back up to the cloud, ensuring they are safe even if your phone is lost or stolen. Many mobile phones come with built-in software that backs up data, but using an additional cloud service like Google Photos or Dropbox provides an extra layer of security.

How Cloud Storage Works

Whenever you take a photo or save a file, it can be automatically uploaded to the cloud when you connect to the internet, either through WiFi or mobile data (3G, 4G, or 5G). This means your data is always backed up and accessible from any device with internet access.

Advantages of Cloud Storage

  • **Data Backup**: Ensures your files and photos are safe and accessible even if your device is lost or damaged.
  • **Storage Management**: Helps free up space on your device by storing data in the cloud.
  • **Accessibility**: Allows you to access your files from any device with an internet connection.

Security Considerations

While cloud storage services have robust security measures in place, it is crucial to ensure your passwords and access credentials are secure. Avoid using short or easily guessable passwords. Opt for longer, more complex passwords that you can remember to keep your data safe.


Cloud storage is a valuable tool for managing and backing up your data. Whether you are looking to free up space on your device or ensure your photos are secure, using a cloud storage service can provide peace of mind and easy access to your data from anywhere.