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Unwanted emails

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4 min 31 sec
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Managing Unwanted Emails and Spam


While you set up your email account to receive messages from people you know, there are times when you might receive unwanted emails. These could be from people you want to block or random emails from companies or computer-generated spam. Let's explore how to handle these unwanted emails effectively.

Understanding Spam Emails

Junk emails, also known as spam, can clutter your inbox. Email providers often filter these out. For instance, Google may block emails from certain IP addresses or domains it identifies as spam, preventing them from reaching your inbox.

Checking Your Spam Folder

Spam emails may still end up in your spam folder. In Gmail, you can find this folder on the left side of the screen under the "Inbox" section. Click on "Spam" to view any emails that have been filtered out. Emails in the spam folder are automatically deleted after 30 days.

It's worth checking your spam folder periodically in case an email you were expecting ends up there by mistake. If you're using programs like iMail or Outlook, they will have similar folders for junk or spam mail.

Managing Spam Emails

If you find an email in your spam folder that you want to keep, you can move it to your inbox and mark it as safe. This prevents it from being marked as spam in the future. Conversely, you can delete all the emails in your spam folder by clicking the "Delete all" button.

Over time, your email address may get picked up by spammers, resulting in an increase in junk emails. To manage this, you can adjust your email settings.

Adjusting Email Settings

In Gmail, click on the cog icon at the top right of the screen to access your settings. Navigate to the "Filters and Blocked Addresses" section.

Here, you can create filters to manage your emails. For example, if emails from are ending up in your spam folder, you can create a filter to ensure they always go to your inbox. Alternatively, you can create filters to delete emails from specific senders automatically.

Creating a Filter

  1. Click on "Create a new filter."
  2. Enter the email address you want to filter (e.g.,
  3. Choose the action for this filter, such as "Never send it to spam" or "Delete it."
  4. Click "Create filter" to save your settings.

You can edit or delete these filters later if needed. This tool is useful for managing both commercial junk emails and unwanted messages from known senders.


By setting up filters and regularly checking your spam folder, you can effectively manage unwanted emails and keep your inbox organised. These steps help you maintain control over your email communications and protect your personal information.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 5 LO 13.2