Essential Digital Skills Level 1

111 videos, 7 hours and 55 minutes

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Window file explorer

Video 75 of 111
9 min 45 sec
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Using Windows File Explorer


In this guide, we will explore the Windows File Explorer and its functionalities. This tool allows you to navigate and manage all the files and folders on your computer.

Opening File Explorer

To open File Explorer, press the Windows button (left of the space bar) and the E button simultaneously. This action will bring up the File Explorer window, from which you can access and manage your files and folders.

Frequent Folders and Recent Files

At the top of the File Explorer window, you will see a list of frequent folders such as Desktop, Downloads, and Documents. Below this, recent files are displayed. For example, you might see a file named "EDSQ test" that you recently worked on.

Accessing File Information

To find more information about a file, hover over it until it is highlighted, then right-click to bring up a menu. From this menu, you can perform various actions such as:

  • Playing a video file
  • Sharing the file
  • Opening the file with a different program
  • Sending the file via Bluetooth
  • Compressing the file
  • Creating a desktop shortcut
  • Emailing the file
  • Burning the file to a DVD
  • Copying the file
  • Viewing the file properties

File Properties

By selecting "Properties" from the right-click menu, you can view detailed information about the file. This includes:

  • File type (e.g., MP4 for video files)
  • Default program for opening the file
  • File location on the computer
  • File size (in megabytes and bytes)
  • Creation, modification, and access dates

Managing Files and Folders

File Explorer allows you to manage your files and folders efficiently. You can perform actions such as:

  • Adjusting column widths by dragging the edges
  • Deleting or clearing the contents of a column
  • Creating new folders
  • Copying, cutting, and pasting files
  • Renaming files and folders

Creating and Moving Folders

To create a new folder, click on the "New folder" icon or use the shortcut keys (Ctrl + Shift + N). Name the folder and press Enter to save it. You can move files into this folder by dragging them into it.

Quick Access and Navigation

The left-hand side of the File Explorer window provides quick access to various locations such as Desktop, Downloads, Documents, Pictures, and network drives. You can expand or collapse these sections using the arrows next to them.

Advanced Features

File Explorer also offers advanced features for managing files, such as:

  • Viewing and modifying file properties from the top menu
  • Searching for files using the search bar
  • Customising the layout and view options


Windows File Explorer is a powerful tool for navigating and managing your computer’s files and folders. Keeping your files organised and using the features of File Explorer will help you access and manage your data more efficiently.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 3 LO 3.1