Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Organising files

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7 min 44 sec
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Organising Files and Folders on an Apple Computer

Introduction to File Organisation

It is essential to organise your files correctly on your computer to ensure that you can easily find and access information. This guide will show you simple ways to organise files and folders on an Apple computer. Although this example uses a Mac, Windows Explorer works similarly.

Navigating the Finder

Finder Overview

To open Finder, go to the bottom left of the screen and click the Finder icon. You can make the window larger by dragging the corners to fill the screen. Finder is where all your files are stored.

Key Sections in Finder

  • AirDrop: Allows you to send files to other Apple devices.
  • Dropbox: A cloud-based storage system.
  • Screenshots: A folder created for storing screenshots.
  • Recents: Contains recently accessed files.
  • Applications: Displays all the programs installed on your computer.
  • Desktop: Shows all the files and folders on your desktop.
  • Documents: A general folder for storing various files.
  • Downloads: Stores files downloaded from the internet or received via email.
  • iCloud: Stores files backed up to Apple’s cloud storage service.

Organising Your Files and Folders

Creating Folders

To create a folder, highlight the files you want to organise, click the top menu and select "New Folder with Selection". Name the folder appropriately to keep track of your files.

Moving Files

To move files, simply drag them into the desired folder. For example, if you have PowerPoint files on your desktop, you can create a folder named "PowerPoints 2021" and move them there to keep your desktop tidy.

Using Cloud Storage

To save space on your computer, you can move files to a cloud storage service like Dropbox. Drag the files to Dropbox in Finder, which will transfer them to the cloud, freeing up space on your device.

Using the Search Function

Finding Files

Use the search box in Finder to locate files quickly. Type the file name or a keyword, and Finder will display matching results. You can refine the search by selecting specific folders or using filters like the date the file was last opened.

Advanced Search Options

Finder allows you to search by various criteria, including file type, application, or date. Click the "+" button to add filters and narrow down your search results.

Managing Downloads

The Downloads folder is intended for temporary storage. Periodically review and move files to appropriate folders to keep this area organised and manageable.

Tagging Files for Easy Access

Using Colour Tags

Colour tags can help you quickly identify and group related files. To add a tag, right-click the file, select a colour from the tag options, and it will appear next to the file name. You can tag files with multiple colours if needed.

Accessing Tagged Files

You can view all files with a specific tag by clicking the coloured tag on the left sidebar in Finder. This feature helps keep your files organised and easy to access.


Effective file organisation on your computer ensures you can easily find and access your documents, improving your workflow and efficiency. Regularly organising files, using search functions, and utilising colour tags are simple yet effective ways to keep your digital workspace tidy.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 1 LO 3.1