Essential Digital Skills Level 1

111 videos, 7 hours and 55 minutes

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Creating a YouTube channel

Video 30 of 111
3 min 31 sec
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Creating and Customising Your YouTube Channel


YouTube allows you not only to watch videos but also to upload your own and create your own channel. This guide will walk you through the basics of setting up and customising your YouTube channel.

Creating Your Channel

  1. Once you are logged into YouTube, click on your profile icon in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Select Create a Channel. This will take you to your initial channel setup page.
  3. Upload a profile picture and enter your channel name. For this example, we'll use "Fred Jones". Click Create Channel.
  4. After a few moments, refresh the page. Your initial channel page should appear.

Customising Your Channel

Adding a Profile Picture and Banner

To add a profile picture or banner:

  1. Hover over the profile picture area and click on the camera icon.
  2. Upload a photo, image, or logo.
  3. To add a banner, click on the upload button under the banner section and select an image. This can be a custom graphic or another photo.

Adding Basic Information

Provide essential information about your channel:

  1. Go to the Branding section.
  2. Click on Basic Information.
  3. Edit your channel name by clicking the pencil icon.
  4. Add a channel description. For example, if it's a club channel, describe the club and its activities.
  5. Customise your channel URL for easier access. Copy and paste it where needed.
  6. Add any relevant links, such as to a website or social media pages, and provide a contact email if desired.

Additional Customisation Options

YouTube offers various customisation options to enhance your channel:

  • Toggle between light and dark themes for your channel interface.
  • Follow the guided pop-ups that appear to help you through the process.
  • Add a website link by entering the name and URL, then click Publish.

Uploading a Video

Once your channel is set up, you can start uploading videos. We will cover this in the next guide.


Setting up and customising your YouTube channel is straightforward and allows you to share your videos with a wide audience. Follow these steps to create a professional and engaging channel.