Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Peripheral items

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Enhancing Your Computer with Peripheral Devices

External Monitors

Adding an external monitor to your computer can greatly enhance your workspace. For desktop users, multiple monitors can increase productivity by allowing you to display different sets of data on separate screens. Laptop users may also find it beneficial to connect an additional monitor for a larger viewing area and improved multitasking.

External Data Storage

External data storage devices connect to your computer via simple cables and provide extra storage capacity. These devices are essential for backing up important files and expanding your computer’s memory. They come in various sizes and capacities, allowing you to choose one that best suits your needs.


Printers are another common peripheral that can be added to your computer setup. There are two main types of connections for printers:

  • Wired Connection: The printer is connected to your computer with a cable.
  • Wireless Connection: The printer connects to your computer via Wi-Fi, allowing you to print from anywhere in your home without the need for cables.

Wireless printers offer the convenience of printing documents from another room, making them a great option for those using laptops or wanting to reduce cable clutter.

Additional Peripheral Devices

There are many other peripheral devices that can be added to your computer, ranging from simple to highly technical. If you wish to add more advanced peripherals, it’s advisable to seek help, thoroughly read the instructions, or search online for installation guides. The internet is a valuable resource for finding solutions and tutorials for setting up various devices.


Enhancing your computer with peripheral devices can improve your productivity and overall computing experience. Whether adding an external monitor, expanding your data storage, or setting up a printer, the right peripherals can make a significant difference in how you use your computer.