Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Searching the internet

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8 min 10 sec
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How to Search the Internet Using Google Chrome


One of the primary functions of a computer is to search the internet. There are various browsers available for this purpose, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. In this guide, we will focus on using Google Chrome to perform internet searches effectively.

Choosing Your Browser

To begin, open your preferred internet browser. In this example, we will use Google Chrome. Your computer may have a default search engine set up, such as Google or Bing, which you can change in the settings if needed.

Using Google as Your Search Engine

Google is the most popular search engine, so we will use it in this example. Open Google Chrome and navigate to Google. You can log in to personalise your experience, but for this guide, we will search without logging in.

Searching for Specific Information

To search for specific information, enter your search term into the search bar. For example, if you want to find ProTrainings Europe Limited, simply type "ProTrainings Europe Limited" and press Enter. The search results will include the company's website and relevant information on the right side of the page.

General Searches

For more general searches, such as "pets", type your term into the search bar. This will return a variety of results, including websites, images, and videos related to pets. You can refine your search by being more specific, such as searching for "dog breeds".

Using Google Images

To search for images, click on the Images tab at the top of the Google search results page. This will display a selection of images related to your search term. You can click on an image to view it in a larger size and see the website where it is hosted. You can also save the image or copy its link for later use.

Important Considerations

Understanding Image Copyright

Be cautious when using images from the internet, as they are often protected by copyright. Ensure you have permission to use an image, especially for commercial purposes, to avoid legal issues.

Checking Copyright Information

Click on the image to visit the hosting website and check for any copyright information or usage guidelines. Some images may be available under licences that allow certain uses with attribution.

Requesting Permission

If you need to use an image for your website or project, contact the image owner to request permission. Make sure you have written consent to use the image legally.

Advanced Searches

For more precise searches, use specific terms. For example, search for "exchange rates" to find the latest currency exchange information. You can also search for postcodes or phone numbers to find location-specific information or the origin of a phone call.


Searching the internet is straightforward with tools like Google Chrome. By using specific search terms and understanding the importance of image copyright, you can efficiently find the information you need. Practise using these techniques to become proficient in internet searching.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 1 LO 2.1
  • EDSQ Unit 1 LO 2.2