Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Improving Search Results

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7 min 43 sec
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Refining Search Engine Results

Introduction to Search Engines

Search engines are essential tools for finding information, products, and services online. While there are many search engines available, this guide will focus on using Google for optimal search results.

Basic Search Techniques

Entering General Search Terms

When searching for a product or information, start with a general search term. For instance, if you are looking for a toaster, simply type "toaster" into the search bar. Google will return a range of results, including advertisements, product listings, and related queries.

Understanding Search Results

Search results are displayed in various formats:

  • Advertisements: Displayed at the top of the results page, these are paid placements by companies.
  • Product Listings: Google Shopping results that show different types of toasters.
  • General Listings: Organic search results from various websites.
  • People Also Ask: Common questions related to your search term with expandable answers.
  • Maps: Local search results with a map showing nearby stores.

Refining Your Search

Using Specific Keywords

If your initial search results are too broad, refine your search by adding specific keywords. For example, search for "four-slice toaster" instead of just "toaster". This will narrow down the results to more relevant products.

Localised Search

To find products available locally, add your location to the search term. For instance, "four-slice toaster Colchester UK" will return results for stores in Colchester. This is useful for finding nearby shops and local availability.

Advanced Search Techniques

Searching for Documents

When looking for specific types of documents, include the file type in your search term. For example, "first aid PowerPoint download" will return downloadable PowerPoint presentations related to first aid. Similarly, "first aid PDF download" will find PDF documents.

Using Filters and Tools

Google offers various tools and filters to refine your search results further. Use these options to sort by date, location, or specific file types to find the most relevant information.

Respecting Copyright

When downloading documents or images from the internet, be mindful of copyright laws. Using copyrighted material for commercial purposes without permission can lead to legal issues. Always check the usage rights or contact the content owner for permission if needed.


Effective search engine use involves understanding how to enter search terms, refine results, and respect copyright. By following these guidelines, you can efficiently find the information you need while avoiding potential legal issues.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 1 LO 2.3