Essential Digital Skills Level 1

111 videos, 7 hours and 55 minutes

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Google Drive

Video 80 of 111
2 min 50 sec
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Expanding Your Gmail Features with Google Drive


Once you have your Gmail account, there are numerous features you can explore and expand. Many of these features are free, but to maximise their functionality, a small fee may be required. In this guide, we will focus on Google Drive, a cloud storage service.

Accessing Google Drive

Google Drive is an excellent tool for cloud storage. To access Google Drive, click on the grid of dots at the top right of your Gmail screen. From the dropdown menu, select Google Drive, and the page will open.

Setting Up Your Google Drive

If you are using Google Drive for the first time, the drive will be empty. You might see a pop-up suggesting you download an app for easier access. This app allows you to access Google Drive directly through your computer’s file explorer.

Uploading Files

To upload a file, click on the "New" button, then select "File upload." Navigate to the file you wish to upload, select it, and click "Open." If you want to upload multiple files, hold the Shift button while selecting the files.

Once you initiate the upload, a small window at the bottom right of the screen will show the upload progress. The time it takes to upload depends on the file size.

Viewing Uploaded Files

After uploading, your files will appear under the "My Drive" section. Click on a file to open it. It may take a few seconds to load as it is being retrieved from the cloud.

Managing Your Files

Downloading and Printing

When viewing a file, you can download or print it by clicking the respective icons at the top right corner of the screen. Additional options are available in the menu for further file management.

Organising Files

You can create folders to organise your files similarly to how you would on your computer. Simply drag and drop files into these folders or use the "Move to" option in the file menu.

Cloud Storage Benefits

Storing documents on Google Drive helps free up space on your computer. While these files are secure and accessible from any internet-connected device, remember that you need an internet connection to access them.


Google Drive enhances your Gmail account by providing reliable cloud storage. Whether you are archiving documents or sharing files, Google Drive is a powerful tool that ensures your data is safe and accessible from anywhere.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 4 LO 11.4