Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Email attachments

Video 28 of 111
5 min 7 sec
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Sending Emails with Attachments


Sometimes, you may need to send an email with an attachment. An attachment can be any file such as photos, work documents, PowerPoint presentations, or PDF files. This guide will show you how to attach files to your emails and the considerations you need to be aware of regarding file sizes.

File Size Limitations

Most email providers have a file size limit for attachments. For example, Gmail has a limit of 25 megabytes (MB). If your attachment exceeds this size, Gmail will automatically convert it into a link using Google Drive. For larger files, consider using a file transfer service like WeTransfer.

Attaching Files in Gmail

  1. Open Gmail and click on the Compose button.
  2. At the bottom of the compose window, click on the paperclip icon labelled Attach files.
  3. Select the file you wish to attach from your computer. For example, a video file or a PDF document.
  4. Wait for the file to upload completely. You will see the upload progress at the bottom of the window.
  5. Fill in the recipient's email address, subject line, and the body of your email.
  6. Once the file has uploaded and you have completed your email, click the Send button.

If your attachment is too large, Gmail will prompt you to use Google Drive. You can agree to this, and your recipient will receive a link to download the file.

Attaching Different File Types

You can attach various file types, such as:

  • Photos: Images from your holiday or work.
  • Documents: Word documents, spreadsheets, or presentations.
  • Videos: Short video clips or recordings.

Sending Attachments Using Email Programs

If you use an email program like Outlook or Apple Mail, the process is similar:

  1. Open your email program and create a new email.
  2. Click on the paperclip icon to attach a file.
  3. Select the file from your computer and wait for it to upload.
  4. Complete your email and click Send.

Important Considerations

When sending attachments, keep the following in mind:

  • File Size: Ensure your attachment is within the allowable size limit.
  • File Type: Some email providers may block certain file types. Be cautious with executable files or large programs.
  • Privacy: Double-check that you are sending the correct files, especially when attaching personal photos or sensitive documents.


Sending emails with attachments is a straightforward process in both web-based and program-based email systems. Always ensure your attachments are appropriate and within the size limits. By following these steps, you can easily share files and documents via email.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 4 LO 11.2