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Updating Windows Operating System

Video 40 of 111
2 min 47 sec
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How to Update Windows and Manage Security Settings


Keeping your Windows Operating System up to date is crucial for security and performance. This guide will walk you through the steps to update your Windows OS and manage security settings.

Accessing Windows Settings

  1. Take your mouse to the bottom left corner and click on the Windows icon (Start button).
  2. In the Start menu, click on Settings.

This will open the main Windows Settings menu.

Updating Windows

  1. In the Windows Settings menu, click on Update & Security.
  2. Wait a few seconds for the Update & Security page to load. Here you will see the status of your latest Windows update. For example, it might show that the last check was at 8:44 this morning.
  3. To check for new updates, click on the Check for updates button. Windows will then search for any available updates.

While Windows is checking for updates, you can explore other settings on this page.

Managing Update Settings

  • Pause updates for 7 days: Click this option if you want to temporarily stop updates. You can resume updates at any time by clicking Resume updates.
  • Change active hours: This option allows you to set the hours during which you typically use your computer. Windows will try to perform updates outside these hours. Click Change to adjust the active hours.
  • View update history: This lets you see a record of all the updates that have been installed on your computer.
  • Advanced options: Here, you can configure more detailed update settings.

Checking Update Status

After checking for updates, you will see a message indicating whether your system is up to date. For example, it may show that the system was last checked at 12:34, confirming that no new updates have been found since the morning check.


Regularly checking and updating your Windows OS ensures that your system remains secure and performs well. You might receive notifications for updates or see updates applied automatically when you restart your computer or put it to sleep.

For any additional information or help, remember to use the Get help option available in the Windows settings.