Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Tethering your phone to your computer

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How to Tether Your Mobile Phone to Your Laptop


If you find yourself working away from home or in a location without WiFi, you can tether your mobile phone to your laptop to access the internet. This method allows you to use your mobile phone's data to connect to the internet quite easily.

Setting Up Your Mobile Phone

The first step is to enable the personal hotspot feature on your mobile phone:

  1. Go to the settings on your mobile phone.
  2. Select the Personal Hotspot feature.
  3. Turn on the hotspot by sliding the button at the top.
  4. You may need to set a password for security. You can change this password by tapping on it, entering a new one, and then selecting Done.

Connecting Your Laptop

Once the hotspot is set up on your mobile phone, follow these steps to connect your laptop:

  1. On your laptop, click on the WiFi signal icon.
  2. Look for the network name that corresponds to your phone, for example, Keith's iPhone 12, and click on it.
  3. Enter the password you set on your mobile phone.
  4. Click Join.
  5. You will notice the WiFi signal icon has changed to two linked circles, indicating you are now connected via a hotspot.

Data Usage Considerations

When using your mobile phone's data to connect to the internet, keep in mind the following:

  • Data used will count towards your mobile phone's data allowance.
  • If you have unlimited data, this will not incur additional costs. However, if you have a limited data plan, be mindful of your usage.
  • Streaming videos or downloading large files will consume data quickly.
  • You can check your data usage in your mobile phone's settings, which typically reset every month.

Turning Off the Hotspot

Once you have finished using the hotspot, it is important to turn it off to conserve your mobile data and battery life. Return to your mobile phone's settings and toggle the personal hotspot off.


Tethering your mobile phone to your laptop is a useful way to access the internet when WiFi is unavailable. Just remember to monitor your data usage and turn off the hotspot when you're finished to avoid any unexpected charges.