Essential Digital Skills Level 1

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Navigating an Apple computer

Video 41 of 111
6 min 31 sec
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How to Navigate and Adjust Settings on Your Apple Computer


In this guide, we will explore how to navigate your Apple computer, access different programs, and adjust various settings. Understanding these basics will help you make the most of your Mac.

Desktop Overview

On your desktop, you will see various icons representing folders and programs you use regularly. You can add or remove items from the desktop as needed for quick access.


Click on the Finder icon to open a window that shows your desktop and other accessible folders. Items in the Finder window correspond to those on your desktop.

Apple Icon Menu

At the top left of the screen, click the Apple icon to access various options:

  • About This Mac: Provides information about your Mac, including the version, hard drive size, and storage usage.
  • System Preferences: Access settings for printers, touch ID, notifications, and updates.
  • Recent Items: View recently opened files and programs.
  • Force Quit: Close unresponsive programs.
  • Sleep, Restart, Shut Down: Manage your Mac’s power settings.
  • Lock Screen: Lock your Mac screen.
  • Log Out: Log out of your current user account.

System Preferences

To access System Preferences, click the Apple icon and select System Preferences. Here you can manage settings for your Mac, such as:

  • Printers
  • Touch ID
  • Notifications
  • Updates

Navigate through different settings by clicking on the icons or using the back arrow to return to the main menu.

Top Menu Icons

At the top right of the screen, you will find various icons:

  • Date and Time: Click to view more information and set world times or news stories.
  • Siri: Access Apple's virtual assistant for help and information.
  • Search: Use this to search your entire computer for programs or files.
  • Backups: Manage backups of your computer.
  • Battery Level: View your battery percentage.
  • Wi-Fi: Manage your Wi-Fi connections.
  • Bluetooth: Connect to Bluetooth devices.
  • Volume Control: Adjust the volume and manage sound outputs.

Dock Icons

At the bottom of your screen, the dock contains icons for your most used programs:

  • Finder: Access all your folders and files.
  • Siri: Open Siri for assistance.
  • Launchpad: View all installed programs on your Mac.
  • Mail: Access your email.
  • Calendar: View and manage your calendar events.
  • System Preferences: Access system settings.
  • Trash: View and empty deleted files.

You can rearrange, add, or remove icons from the dock by dragging them.


These basics will help you navigate and customise your Apple computer efficiently. For more detailed settings and options, explore the System Preferences and other settings menus.