Essential Digital Skills Level 1

111 videos, 7 hours and 55 minutes

Course Content

Setting up a FaceBook account

Video 32 of 111
4 min 51 sec

Setting Up a Facebook Account


Facebook has evolved significantly over the years, becoming a popular platform for connecting with family, friends, and colleagues. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up a Facebook account.

Creating Your Account

  1. Go to
  2. Accept the cookies message that appears.
  3. If you already have a Facebook account, log in. If not, click on Create New Account.
  4. Fill in your details:
    • First Name: Fred
    • Surname: Jones
    • Mobile Number or Email:
    • Password: Create a strong password
    • Date of Birth: 1st January 1990
    • Gender: Select your gender
  5. Click Sign Up.
  6. If there are any errors, they will be highlighted in red. Correct these and continue.

Saving Your Password

If you are using Google Chrome, a password saver feature will pop up. This allows you to save your password for easier access in the future. Confirm by entering your password and clicking Save.

Verifying Your Account

  1. Check your email for a verification code from Facebook.
  2. Enter the code on the Facebook verification page and click Confirm.
  3. Allow a few seconds for the verification process to complete.

Setting Up Notifications

Facebook will prompt you to allow notifications. If you enable this, you will receive pop-up notifications for posts and updates. You can always adjust this setting later if you prefer not to receive notifications.

Customising Your Profile

  1. On your main Facebook page, you can:
    • Click on the profile picture icon to upload a photo.
    • Search for and add people you know by typing their names in the search bar.
    • Learn more about privacy settings to control who can see your information.
  2. Click on the profile link to view your live page.
  3. Add more information, such as a cover photo, and update your personal details to complete your profile.


Setting up a Facebook account is straightforward and provides a powerful way to stay connected with others. Follow these steps to create and customise your account, ensuring you make the most of this social media platform.